What is Effata?
EFFATA is our program that gets teens to know the Lord. This is also the path for them to prepare for sacraments. It is the road we offer them to grow in love with Jesus and to allow their young lives to live in the wonderful love that flows from the Father's heart.
Download and fill this registration form.
We meet on second and fourth Saturday evenings, from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. with pizza, games, faith activities and fun. First Effata meeting this pastoral year: September 23.
Registrations for 2025-2026 will be done in the month of August.
For any questions or to register, contact Nancy.

What to expect
Make friends
Get involved
Meet Jesus
For too many years, young Catholic teens have prepared for the sacrament of confirmation, and most just wanted to ”get it done”. So did their parents. It was ”a ritual action” with little faith involvement. Few teens really developed a living life-time relationship with the Lord, even though they went through the sacramental process. We have chosen to do things differently. We know that youth are not primarily looking for sacraments. They are looking for friends. They are looking to belong. They want to laugh and have fun. While this is going on, we hope they will fall in love with Jesus… and then celebrate this by the sacraments.
Consequently, we renovated our programs. Parish catechesis programs are for children until the age of 10, and it leads them to Holy Communion. Once they are 11 years old they are invited to join the youth group of EFFATA. We meet twice a month, come rain or shine! The teens are divided into two age ranges, 11 – 13 and 14 – 17.
We have diverse activities: games, teaching life skills such as cooking, basic car repair, basic plumbing, knitting, and so on. We also have bible exploration, movies, as well as involvement in parish activities. During the summer, we run various hikes or parish outings to enjoy the great outdoors together.
In 2022 they were key players in the parish sugar shack activity, serving food and acting as hosts. Generally the EFFATA evening starts with food, then an activity for the evening. The last part of the evening, the parish priest or other lay teacher guide the youth in the art of prayer. Adoration, praise, rosary, singing, are all means of worshipping the Lord.
In February each year, the youth are asked if they would like to commit more deeply to their faith. They can then apply to receive one of the sacraments. Follows an interview with team members, as we discern whether the youth is mature in their desire for this or that sacrament. If so, later in the year, we proceed to this sacramental event.