The Bible speaks to us today
The parish invites you to 10 virtual meetings via Zoom to share on the Acts of the Apostles.
When ?
Time ?
Program ?
- Songs of praise
- Introduction to the Acts of the Apostles and other texts from the Bible (bilingual)
- Small group sharing in English on the texts and its implication in my life.
For any questions please contact Suzanne.
Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.
– Psalm 118, 105

What is the Word of God?
The Word of God is found in the Holy Scriptures, the Bible, a sacred book written by men under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit (see Catechism n ° 81). The Word of God is alive, it illuminates our path throughout our life. This is the gift God gave to mankind. Throughout the pages we find a Person, Jesus Christ, the “Incarnate Word”. We hear the Word of God at every celebration. God speaks to us through the various texts to nourish our faith and to call us to follow Him at every moment of our daily life.
Jesus said: “Man does not eat only bread, but every word which comes from the mouth of God” (see Mt 4: 4; Lk 4: 4)

How to pray the Bible
- Prepare yourself to pray the Bible
- Isolate yourself in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
- Enter into silence by turning off ambient noises, cell phone.
- Get into a comfortable position.
- Disconnect from your everyday life, your worries by breathing deeply several times.
- Make a short spontaneous prayer such as “Lord, open my heart to your Word” or recite a known prayer such as Glory be to the Father
- Prepare yourself to pray the Word of God (See Lectio Divina)
- End with a final prayer such as “Thank you Lord for this time I spend with You”
What is Lectio Divina ?
Lectio Divina The Lectio divina method “divine or sacred reading”, a monastic tradition of praying the Word, in 4 stages. A method that should lead to action, acts of charity towards our neighbor.
- Lectio – Read the Word of God slowly and thoughtfully once or even twice or more. Let it sink into you.
- Meditatio – Meditate on the text and ruminate on it to learn what God wants to tell you.
- Oratio – Pray and just let your heart speak to God.
- Contemplatio – Contemplate and simply rest in the Word of God. Be silent and listen to the depths of your being God who speaks to you, heart to heart.
To deepen the experience Write down what you experienced in a journal. For example, the theme, a short summary of the passage, the actors, the location, the questions you have, the prayers that arise spontaneously. Then what you remembered. For example, the lesson in the parable of the Good Samaritan may be to help others. I can wonder if there are people around me who need my help. I can also put on paper the sentences, the words that touched me. Rereading the same passage a few times during the week is a way of praying more deeply. Write down your thoughts each time. Note: Sometimes the texts don’t tell us anything immediately. This is normal. Simply, reread the text again without insisting on getting a message out of it.